Income generating activities (IGAs), income generating activities are essential for promoting financial independence, strengthening local economies, and fostering skill development. As we navigate an increasingly complex economic landscape, the importance of IGAs cannot be overlooked. By prioritizing and supporting these activities, we pave the way for a more endeavors.
As part of kelem’s effort to generate sustainable income to finance its educational projects in remote areas of the country, it has established an international standard KG and primary school in Addis Ababa. The school was established in 2010 mainly to serve two major objectives. The first is to generate income to support the charitable activities of the association and second to provide technical support to Kelem’s education projects in remote areas. It is also expected to serve as a training center for the teachers and facilitators of Kelem and grant scholarships to best performing students from Kelem’s educational projects. This project’s lesson was also published in the Netherlands at international level as best practice of local resource mobilization for funding local projects.
Box 41575
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia